Butterfly Caterpillar in the initial stage. Looks like a bird dropping. This is to camouflage it.
The same Caterpillar turning green after some days. This happens by molting off the outer skin
The caterpillar ready to undergo a transformation to Pupa or Chrysalis.
The Chrysalis!!!!! or a Pupa. Isnt this amazing?
The Chrysalis from which the Butterfly is about to emerge out.
The "Female of Common Mormon"(male has all white spots) emerged out. You can see the empty pupa. This is one of the wonders of natural world. It is really beyond explaination as to how all this happens. The Caterpillar of a particular species of Butterfly feeds only on a specific plant. Like the caterpillar of the "Common Mormon" feeds on lemon (and few more) tree. If you keep it on other plants, it will die of starvation. How does female Common Mormon finds exactly the lemon tree to lay eggs? Its all occult. Its very fascinating indeed.
It is very satisfying to observe our natural world. Lets see, i hope to see and explore more of it.